Granting Emerging and Developing Institutions a Competitive EDGE
Through the Granting Emerging and Developing Institutions a Competitive EDGE (Equitable and Diverse Grant Ecosystem) – KCV EDGE program, we’re addressing inequities in academic research funding by supporting underrepresented higher education institutions with research infrastructure.
Funded through the NSF GRANTED program, we work with partner institutions to provide holistic support to build their institutional capacity for pursuing, securing and administering research grants.

A Model for Centralized, Statewide Research Grant Support
KCV EDGE builds on our centralized technology transfer services for Kentucky’s public colleges and universities. Partner institutions will receive support in grant proposal writing, administration and compliance, technology commercialization and leadership development.

More than $5M of the grant will be given in subawards to partner institutions in order to build institutional capacity, such as staffing, to support an expanded research enterprise. Ultimately, we plan to expand the program by building a nationally transformative model that can be replicated in other states.
KCV EDGE Pilot Partners

Frankfort, KY
Co-PI: Dr. Jamie Boehmer | Vice Provost for Research Administration, Innovation and Sponsored Programs
Morehead, KY
Co-PIs: Janet Cline | Director, Research Integrity and Compliance, Dr. Shannon Harr | Director, Research & Sponsored Programs
Highland Heights, KY
Co-PI: Craig Holloman | Director, Office of Research, Grants & Contracts
KCV EDGE Updates
KCV EDGE is supported by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 2345142.