The Southeast XLerator Network is one of four IDeA State Regions to receive a National Institutes of Health STTR award to create a Regional Technology Transfer Accelerator Hub. The Southeast IDeA States region includes six states (KY, WV, SC, AR, MS, LA) plus Puerto Rico, and our XLerator Network includes 24 academic institutional partners across this whole region. XLerateHealth is the SBC recipient of this grant, and the University of Kentucky is the Lead Academic Partner. We are excited to collaborate with all our Partner Institutions, of which all KCV participating partners are eligible.
The goal of the networked “Hub” is to help move scientific discoveries and technologies out of the lab and into the market and increase SBIR funding to this typically underserved region. The Hub will facilitate engagement by building a number of online resources that faculty, students, and researchers can access to learn how to think and act about commercializing their technologies and be better prepared to write successful SBIR proposals.